Israel Urged to Stop 'Hunger Crime'

JAKARTA - The Gaza Strip government, Monday, June 17, urged the international community to pressure Israel to stop its "starvation crimes" as a means of suppressing civilians in the Palestinian enclave that has long suffered from Tel Aviv's decades-long blockade and the war that has raged since October 7, 2023.

"The Israeli occupation authorities and the United States government are using aid and food as political leverage against civilians in Gaza, deliberately allowing hunger and worsening humanitarian conditions," the Gaza government media office said in a statement, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, June 18.

As a result of the ongoing war and restrictions imposed by Israel that violate international law, as many as 2.4 million Gaza residents are facing starvation, according to international groups.

The statement stressed that the population of Gaza "is experiencing severe humanitarian conditions and real hunger, especially in Gaza City and North Gaza."

The statement stressed that this situation "violates moral and humanitarian values ​​​​and international law, exploiting the needs of children, civilians, and patients for political purposes, thus endangering their lives."

Israel has imposed a severe blockade on the enclave since 2006, and recent military offensives have forced nearly two million residents into disrepair.

The media outlet warned that these human rights violations "will lead to a disaster and unprecedented negative impact on the humanitarian situation.

The agency condemned the "crime of starvation" and called for those responsible to be brought before "international justice for committing this crime."

The media outlet also urged the international community “to exert serious pressure to stop the genocide and the use of food and aid as political tools against civilians, children, patients and the wounded.”

Israel has faced international condemnation for ignoring UN Security Council resolutions demanding an immediate ceasefire and continuing its brutal attacks on Gaza since Hamas launched an offensive on October 7, 2023.