Zimbabwe Police Arrest Opposition Leader And 80 People For Holding Political Meetings

JAKARTA - Zimbabwe police have arrested opposition leader Jameson Timba and 80 youths for holding a political meeting that authorities say is illegal, their lawyers say.

Timba took over the post of interim leader of the Citizens Coalition for Change after former leader Nelson Chamisa withdrew from the party in January, on charges that the party had been taken over by the ruling party ZanU-PF. The arrests were made on Sunday, June 16.

They are still being held and we are working on their release. They will most likely be charged with maintaining public order law," Agency Gumbo's lawyer told Reuters on Monday, June 17.

A spokesman for the CCC party, Promise Mkwananzi, said the arrest was regrettable and showed a decline in democracy.

It is known that the law in Zimbabwe requires political parties to apply for permission to the police before holding public meetings. Some parts of the law have in the past been used to suppress opposition and ban political demonstrations.