Ecosystem Recovery, Mount Bromo Climbing Is Completely Closed Until June 24

The Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park Center (BB TNBTS) stated that the Mount Bromo tourist area, in East Java, will be completely closed for tourist activities in the period 21-24 June 2024.

Head of Administration Section of the TNBTS Center Septi Eka Wardhani said that the closure of the Mount Bromo area was in the context of the Yadnya Kasada ritual and ecosystem restoration and cleaning of the area.

"The national park area will be closed on June 21 at 00.00 WIB, until June 24, 2024 at 24.00 WIB," Septi said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, June 17.

Septi explained that the closure of the Mount Bromo area for Yadnya Kasada took into account the Letter of the Chairperson of Parisada Hindu Dharma Indonesia (PHDI) Pasuruan Regency Number 03/PDP/06/2024 dated June 4, 2024 regarding the Yadnya Kasada Ritual Ceremony.

In addition, he also paid attention to the Circular of the Chairperson of the Probolinggo Regency PHDI Number 404/E/PHDI-KAB/VI/2024. The closure for the Yadnya Kasada commemoration was carried out on June 21-22, 2024.

"The area is only open to people who will take part in the Yadnya Kasada ritual, identified in accordance with the provisions written in the circular letter of PHDI Pasuruan Regency and Probolinggo Regency," he said.

Meanwhile, on June 23-24, he continued, the area was only opened to the public and officers with an interest in cleaning the area. Cleaning the Bromo area, previously also carried out on 8, 9, 15, June 16, 2024.

"People, visitors, tourism service actors and related parties pay attention to this information and it is carried out with full responsibility," he said.

The closure of Mount Bromo tourist access from the Probolinggo Regency area was carried out from the Cemorolawang entrance. Meanwhile, from the direction of Pasuruan Regency, access was closed from the Dingklik area.

Meanwhile, the entrance from the direction of Malang Regency and Lumajang Regency, was closed in the Jemplang area, Malang Regency.

Mount Bromo is one of the leading tourist destinations in the East Java region. In 2023, the number of visits to national parks that have the third most beautiful title in the world will reach 368,507 tourists.

This number is divided into 355,297 domestic tourists and 13,210 foreign tourists. The visit also provided Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) worth Rp. 14,70 billion.