Eid Al-Adha 2024, Rain In Most Of Indonesia

JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) predicts that today rain with light to moderate intensity has the potential to flush the majority of major cities in Indonesia. BMKG forecaster Maria Klaudiana said the rain occurred due to the influence of rossby waves, kelvin waves, and dry air masses from the southern region. "Rossby's equatorial wave was identified as active in the Banten, Lampung, North Kalimantan, northern Sulawesi, North Maluku, North Maluku and West Papua," Maria said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, June 17. Maria said that kelvin waves were actively identified in the central part of Sumatra region. This could trigger an increase in the growth activity of rain clouds in these areas. The phenomenon of boosting dry air masses from the southern hemisphere is able to lift wet water vapor in front of the intrusion limit to warmer and humid that can encourage the growth of rain clouds in the Maluku, North Maluku, Papua, and Sulawesi regions.

From the results of the analysis and prognosis of wind maps, meeting areas and wind speed decelerations that have the potential for rain cloud growth are found in most areas of Sumatra, namely North Sumatra, West Sumatra, Riau, Riau Islands, Jambi, Bengkulu, South Sumatra, Bangka Belitung Islands, and Lampung. Then West Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, North Kalimantan, North and Central Sulawesi, Maluku, North Maluku, mostly Papua, and West Papua. Based on BMKG forecasts on the island of Sumatra, light to moderate rain has the potential to flush Medan, Tanjung Pinang, Jambi, Palembang, Bandar Lampung, and Bengkulu. Meanwhile, rain accompanied by lightning has the potential to flush Pangkal Pinang. Cloudy to cloudy weather is predicted to occur in Banda Aceh and Padang, as well as fog in Pekanbaru. On Java Island, cloudy to cloudy weather has the potential to sunny in Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Bandung, and Surabaya. Light rain is predicted to only fall in Serang and Semarang. The Little Sunda Islands are generally cloudy, except for Denpasar which is predicted to fall light rain. On Kalimantan Island, the weather is foggy only in Tanjung Selor. Meanwhile, light rain occurs in Palangka Raya and Samarinda. Then, thunderstorms accompanied by lightning have the potential to flush Pontianak and Banjarmasin.

Di Pulau Sulawesi cuawan hanya di Makassar. Sementara itu, hujan ringan hingga sedang terjadi di Gorontalo, Palu, Kendari, dan Manado, serta hujan lebat di Mamuju.Mayoritas kota besar di wilayah timur Indonesia juga diprakirakan diguyur hujan dengan intensitas ringan hingga sedang, yaitu Manokwari, Ternate, dan Jayapura. Cuaca berawan hanya berpotensi melindungi Ambon. Lebih lanjut Maria mengatakan bahwa prediksi angin surut di Indonesia umumnya masih blowu dari arah timpatan sampai 40 kilometer per jam.Dia mengingatkan masyara untuk mempadai potensi angin kencang di atas 50 kilometer per jam yang diprakirakan terjadikan terjadi di wilayah Sumattra bagian Sumatera bagian selatan, Jawa Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Kalimantan Utara, Kalimantan Selatan, Kalimantan Selatan, Sulawesi Barat, dan Papua.

Temperature forecasts generally range from 19 to 33 degrees Celsius with humidity ranging from 50 to 100 percent. "The high sea waves in Indonesian waters generally range from 0.5 to 2.5 meters. However, it is necessary to watch out for waves of 2.5 to 4 meters which are expected to occur in the Indian Ocean south of Central Java to the south of Bali," concluded Maria.