Freeport Indonesia Sends Team To Repair Damaged Roads And Bridges

TIMIKA - PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) sent a special team to repair roads and bridges that were damaged by high rainfall, resulting in floods and landslides in Waa Banti Village, Tembagapura District, Mimika Regency, Central Papua Province.
PTFI Senior Vice President Community Development Nathan Kum through a release in Timika, Saturday, said that his party was moving quickly to hand over heavy equipment to repair roads, embankments and normalize rivers.
"We deployed two units of heavy excavator equipment, four articulate dump trucks, one wheel loader, and one glider and crew to repair roads, embankments, river normalization, as well as repair of the Agawagom bridge retaining embankment which was eroded by river water flow," he said.
According to Nathan, the flood occurred for three days causing road access to damage to river embankments, bridges and several road section points to Banti Village.
"As a result, access to public transportation and the mobility of health workers at the Bantu Hospital had stopped, Waa Banti Village was an area five kilometers from the PTFI operating area in Tembagapura," he said.
He explained that the repair was very urgent because the damaged roads and bridges were the only land access connecting Timika, Tembagapura, Kampung Banti, Opitawak, and Aroanop.
"Our priority is to open access roads that are used by the public every day, including ensuring that the transportation of health workers from Tembagapura to the Banti Hospital runs smoothly," he said.
Head of Banti 2 Village, Demianus Natkime, added that the mobility of residents was disrupted due to floods and landslides, he represented the community of three villages who thanked PTFI for moving quickly to help.
"I represent the people from three villages who thank Freeport Indonesia, who have moved quickly to help repair the main road of Kampung Waa Banti," he said.