Police Hold Night Patrol To Prevent Crime At The End Of Week

North Jakarta Metro Police held street crime operations (OKJ) and large-scale patrols in locations prone to brawls and prevented violent theft, motor vehicle theft and theft with weights

"Tonight members were deployed to OKJ in locations prone to brawls and traditional criminal acts, namely 3C," said North Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol Gidion Arif Setyawan in Jakarta, Sunday morning

He said the road crime operation was held in the middle of the night until early morning so that there was no gap for brawlers and other criminal acts to act. He hopes that the presence of members patrolling will create a safe & conducive North Jakarta City.

"The presence of members in the field ensures the realization of a sense of security and comfort when people are active at night," he said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Head of Drug Investigation at the North Jakarta Metro Police AKP Rumangga Putrajama Napitupulu said his party was patrolling using a patrol car while turning on the siren.

"We turned on the rotator and siren, preventing the intentions of residents who wanted to fight," he said.

While conducting patrols and operations at Tanjung Priok Terminal. Rumangga and the team stopped the motorbike driven by two men. The Detective Team found two men riding together with suspicious movements.

"It's true, when examined by one of the men admitted that he had just used drugs," he said.

Then the two men were taken to the Jakarta Metro Police for further investigation.

The man admitted that he had used a package of methamphetamine for Rp. 100,000. We both secured it to the office for development," he said.