The Importance Of Education To The Community On Diabetes

JAKARTA - Doctor from the Endocrine, Metabolic, and Diabetes Division, Department of Clinical Sciences and Internal Medicine FKUI Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) Dr. dr. Tri July Edi Tarigan, SpPD-KEMD emphasizes the importance of education to the public regarding diabetes so that it is easy to handle.

"Education used to understand the public, so it's not just true medicine. People need to understand first what diabetes is," Tri Juli said in the webinar "Ngobrol Pintar about Diabetes" in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Saturday, June 15.

The man who is familiarly called Tije said that the wider community needs to understand what diabetes is or commonly called diabetes Melitus, where blood sugar levels (glucose) in a person exceed normal values, causing chronic disease.

In addition, people need to understand ways to control blood sugar levels including food intake arrangements, also understand the course of diabetes suffered, and understand the needs of the medicines needed.

According to him, it is not only diabetics who need to regulate their diet, but also the whole community in general.

Then also the importance of meeting nutritional needs in a balanced manner according to the dose, no less and nothing more to avoid heavier risks.

Furthermore, prioritizing regular sports activities at least 30 minutes a day.

In order to complete the control of food intake and a healthy lifestyle, he appealed to the public to consult a doctor to obtain information and proper treatment related to health conditions related to diabetes.

"If you understand it, the community is cooperative. If you understand, so you want to follow the instructions and treatment by the doctor," he said.

Based on data from the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), the number of diabetics in the world in 2021 will reach 537 million.

This figure is predicted to continue to increase to reach 643 million in 2030 and 783 million in 2045.

According to the IDF, Indonesia is ranked fifth in the country with the highest number of diabetes with 19.5 million patients in 2021 and is predicted to be 28.6 million in 2045.

This issue is a concern from the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) considering diabetes mellitus is the mother of all diseases, where diabetes can trigger various other diseases in a person's body.

Tije added that the first prevention of diabetes is controlling excess sugar consumption in food or drinks, as well as consistency for daily physical activities.

"So his mindset must still move a lot at any time, wherever it must be done. If blood sugar is controlled in this way, there is no need for medicine," he said.