Security PP Muhammadiyah: Hard Sports, If Watched By Children Can Have A Negative Impact

JAKARTA - General Secretary of PP Muhammadiyah Abdul Mu'ti opened his voice about the polemic of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) in Indonesia. He advised the UFC fight not to be broadcast in the morning because it could have a negative impact on children.

UFC is a tough sport. If witnessed by children, it can have a negative impact," said Mu'ti in a written statement, Saturday, June 15.

Mu'ti also said that UFC broadcasts should not be broadcasted live but broadcasts are delayed.

"Time to air should be at night after 22.00," he said.

More than that, Mu'ti urges parents to control and accompany their children when watching TV, videos, and games.

"So that it can reduce the negative impacts caused," said Mu'ti.

Previously, the Alliance of People Concerning Violence asked for the fighting Championship show to be stopped because it was full of violence.

They conveyed this demand when holding an action in front of the Mola TV Office, Jakarta, Wednesday, June 12. The crowd carried a number of banners containing criticism of the impact of UFC broadcasts in Indonesia.

The coordinator of the action, Sandi in the action said that the UFC was being loved by many groups from children to adults.

However, he said the scenes in the fight shows in the ring often display violent things and injure opponents.