KKP: Decreased Number Of Foreign Ships Arrested In Indonesian Waters Is Evidence Of Increasing Compliance

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) assessed that the decline in foreign fishing vessels (KIA) captured in Indonesian waters is proof that compliance in the marine fisheries sector is increasing. "The target of the Directorate General of Marine and Fishery Resources Supervision (PSDKP) of the KKP is not a lot of arrests. The decline that is captured means that the business actors or criminals are aware that there are fisheries officers," said Director General of PSDKP KKP Pung Nugroho Saksono in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Saturday, June 15. Based on KKP data, in 2021 managed to arrest KIA as many as 53 units, in 2022 as many as 18 units and 2023 as many as 10 units, the achievement of the capture vessels was recorded to decline successively. Meanwhile, until June 2024, his party noted that the foreign fishing vessels captured at WPPNRI as many as 13 of the most vessels were captured in WPPNRI 571 Malacca Strait. In the future, his party will intensify surveillance operations through various surveillance strategies including the use of technology installed at the control center and utilizing satellites that have also been connected to all KKP surveillance ships for further interception.

In addition, strengthening surveillance in areas prone to illegal fishing violations include the North Natuna Sea, the North Sulawesi Sea, the Malacca Strait, the Arafuru Sea and the Java Sea.

Cooperation with other k/l will also continue to be carried out in collaboration with the Indonesian Navy, the National Police, Bakamla, and with other countries, namely Malaysia and Australia.