DPR Teamwas Forms Hajj Special Committee 2024
JAKARTA - The Indonesian House of Representatives' Hajj Supervisory Team (Timwas) will form a Special Committee (Pansus) for Hajj to evaluate a number of policies in organizing the 2024 Hajj pilgrimage.
"This is not only normative in nature. There are many practical types. For example, the management of the hajj quota, management of Hajj officers, management of Hajj finance. Our system is almost every year, time is very limited," said Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives Hajjwas Diah Pitaloka in a written statement, quoted from Antara, in Jakarta, Saturday 15 June.
Diah said the Hajj Special Committee was formed to handle various important aspects in hajj management, such as quotas, budgets, and Hajj officers and added that this step was taken after the Indonesian House of Representatives' Hajj Team saw the many policies that needed to be improved in order to improve the quality of Hajj services.
He further emphasized that with the formation of the Hajj Special Committee, the approach taken in overcoming problems could be cross-sectoral. This is because the issue of Hajj policies involves many relevant ministries and agencies.
"For policy changes, we need input from various variables and spaces for organizing Hajj. It could be input for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in diplomacy. The Ministry of Trade, what makes Indonesian food lose competition with imported food. These inputs that we need to study," he said.
Diah also said that the evaluation by the Hajj Special Committee would cover up to budget efficiency. He hopes that with the special committee, the improvements made can be more in-depth and comprehensive.
"It could be that the input for the Law on Hajj Amendments, of course the evaluation will reach the points of budget efficiency or we can also look deeper if it is a special committee," he added.
The Hajj Special Committee is expected to provide concrete solutions to the various problems that have been faced so far in organizing the pilgrimage. Thus, the quality of Hajj services for Indonesian pilgrims in the future can continue to be improved.