Jakarta KPKP Service Examines 68,000 Sacrificial Animals, Hundreds Of Samples Declared Free Of Antraks

Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Food, Maritime and Agriculture Security Service (KPKP) Suharini Eliawati, said that her party had carried out supervision and monitoring of the health of sacrificial animals at the Sacrificial Animal Shelter (TPnHK).

"Yesterday's data, the sacrificial animal shelter that we have examined (until Thursday, June 13) which is spread across 1,061 TPnHK, the number of animals that have entered is around 68,000," said Suharini, Saturday, June 15. This number, the Suharini committee, will continue to grow. So that his party ensures that the supply of sacrificial animals in Jakarta is safe. It was recorded that 81,070 sacrificial animals entered Jakarta, with 70,126 of them being cut in Jakarta.

Meanwhile, in 2024, the sacrificial animals entering Jakarta are predicted to increase by 2.5 percent, with the potential for animals to be cut in Jakarta rising by 1.5 percent. Suharini added that the KPKP Office has also carried out surveillance or monitoring of the Anthrax disease at TPnHK. As a result, 226 blood review preparatory samples were declared free of Anthrax based on the results of laboratory tests.

"Insyaallah enggak ada. Untuk menyakinkan kembali, kami di DKI Jakarta melakukan ulas darah untuk tes Antraks dan alhamdulillah negatif juga," katanya.

This activity will continue to be carried out until D+3 (task day). Eli ensured that no sacrificial animals were found infected with PMK because all sacrificial animals in animal shelters had their health checked and according to Islamic law. "Hopefully there won't be any. We pray together hopefully until the D day plus 3 days Tasyrik God willing, it will be safe," he concluded.