Bank DKI And Sebelas Maret University Build Synergy

JAKARTA - Bank DKI is collaborating to support the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) program at Sebelas Maret University (UNS), which was marked by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding by the Commercial & Institutional Director of Bank DKI, Herry Djufraini with the Chancellor of Sebelas Maret University, Chatarina Muliana, at the UNS Campus, Surakarta on Friday, June 14.

The event was also attended by the President Commissioner of PT Bank DKI, Bahrullah Akbar and several Bank DKI officials at the Vice President level, as well as the Vice Chancellor and Director of UNS.

The MBKM program, initiated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, is a program that encourages universities to partner with companies to facilitate access to work practices and student internships. Through this collaboration, Bank DKI provides support in the fields of education, research, community service, to human resource development, for UNS Academic Civity.

Director of Commercial & Institutional Bank DKI, Herry Djufraini said that Bank DKI pays serious attention to the world of education by supporting various educational development programs in Indonesia.

"Bank DKI is very enthusiastic about the cooperation that exists and believes that the synergy between the banking world and academics is an important step in creating a young generation who is ready to face global challenges. This is also in line with Bank DKI's commitment to continue to contribute in producing superior and innovative human resources," said Herry.

The Corporate Secretary, Arie Rinaldi added that with this collaboration, it is hoped that UNS students can gain valuable practical experience in the banking world. Meanwhile, for Bank DKI, this is a form of contribution to improving the quality of higher education in Indonesia.

"This cooperation is also expected to create synergies between the academic and industrial world, so that it can develop innovations and new programs that will ultimately contribute to national economic development," said Arie.

The form of support from Bank DKI in the field of education is also reflected in the distribution of Jakarta Smart Cards and the Jakarta Superior Student Card, School Operational Assistance and Education Operational Assistance, fund management of various educational institutions and the application of digital banking through the JakOne Mobile application, JakOne Pay, Cash Management System and various other banking services.

Moreover, Bank DKI has also launched a Student Loan program, namely a loan program for tuition financing with a multipurpose scheme that aims to provide affordable and easily accessible financial solutions for students.

Most recently, Bank DKI has collaborated with Gunadarma University, and is currently in the process of being initiated with Padjadjaran University, STIA LAN, Domestic Government Institute, Jakarta State University, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, National University, and a number of other leading universities.