Police Implement Traffic Engineering On The Peak Tourism Route Until Next Tuesday Next Week

BOGOR - Bogor Resort Police implemented traffic engineering on the Puncak Tourism Route, Bogor Regency, West Java, during the long holiday of Eid al-Adha celebrations from June 14 to 18, 2024.

The head of the Bogor Police Traffic Unit, AKP Rizky Guntama, revealed that the traffic engineering that was applied was in the form of an odd-even system and a one-way system.

He explained that the odd-even system was implemented one day before the holiday on Friday (14/6), according to the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation (Permenhub) Number 84 of 2021, which was enforced one day before the national holiday.

Then, the one-way system only applies when there is an increase in the volume of vehicles on the 22-kilometer path.

However, specifically from morning to noon on Eid al-Adha on Monday (17/6), the Police did not apply any traffic engineering to honor the people in the Puncak area.

"We don't have any engineering (during the DI Eid al-Adha), but if traffic rises in the afternoon after the sacrifice, engineering can still be carried out situationally," he said.

Rizky appealed to the public or tourists crossing the Puncak Line to ensure that the body and vehicle are in prime condition.

"If you really want to rest, please pull over to rest," said Rizky.