Director General Of Aptika Gercep Study Pornographic Content Policy On X, Is It Definitely Blocked?

JAKARTA - Since May 2024, X has allowed pornographic content on its platform. Regarding this policy, the Ministry of Communication and Information moved quickly to study this matter.

"We will immediately review this. We may write this immediately. I will study it later," said Director General of Informatics Applications at the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Samuel A. Pangerapan to the media on Friday, June 14 in Jakarta.

The pornography policy is written directly at the Assistance Center X, which contains:

"You can share nude content or adult sexual behavior created and distributed on the basis of mutual agreement, as long as it is labeled correctly and not clearly displayed."

Knowing that the statement has been listed on the official X website, Semmy promised to study it, and if the policy is proven to apply in Indonesia, then Kominfo will not hesitate to block X.

"This must be blocked. If we allow it like this. That's why we learn this. So in implementing this, we all adhere to the principles of democracy. If not, before you upload, I can know first. It will degrade the values of our democracy," he said.

The adult content in question is all content produced and distributed with the approval of the person concerned describing adult nudity or pornographic sexual behavior or which aims to cause sexual arousal.

This also applies to AI-made content, photography, or animation such as cartoons, chains, or anime. Examples include depictions: