Former Ministry Of Manpower Official Reyna Usman Charged With State Loss Of IDR 17.6 Billion

JAKARTA - Director General (Dirjen) of Manpower Placement Development (Binapenta) of the Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker) 2011-2015 Reyna Usman was charged with causing state losses of Rp. 17.68 billion related to the alleged corruption case in the procurement of the Indonesian labor protection system (TKI) at the Ministry of Manpower in 2012.

The Public Prosecutor of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Luki Dwi Nugroho said the state loss was caused by Reyna and the Commitment Making Officer (PPK) for the Procurement of the 2012 Indonesian Manpower Protection System (TKI) I Nyoman Darmanta and the Director of PT Adi Inti Mandiri (AIM) Karunia, who is also a defendant, have enriched or abused their authority to enrich Karia worth the amount of state losses.

"The defendant has committed or participated in an unlawful act, namely enriching oneself or another person or a corporation that can harm the state's finances or the country's economy," Luki said in a hearing reading the indictment at the Jakarta Corruption Court (Tipikor) reported by ANTARA, Thursday, June 13.

For his actions, Reyna is threatened with criminal in Article 2 paragraph (1) or Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 of Law (UU) Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code (KUHP).

The prosecutor revealed that the case began when Karunia applied for a company permit for TKI training services and agreed to provide a fee of Rp. 3 billion to Reyna Usman, who at that time was still the Secretary of the Director General of Training and Productivity at the Ministry of Manpower in 2010.

Then on April 25, 2011, the 6th President of the Republic of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono formed an Integrated Team for the Protection of Indonesian Workers Abroad to compile an inventory list for the problem of placement of 87 and protection of migrant workers abroad and issue recommendations to overcome these problems.

The Integrated Team produced 13 recommendations, one of which suggested implementation by immediately integrating information systems and the TKI database which can be accessed by each relevant ministry and agency.

Furthermore, on June 30, 2011, he continued, Reyna was appointed as Director General of Binapenta of the Ministry of Manpower in 2011-2015. As a follow-up to the previous Integrated Team recommendation, Reyna submitted a notula of coordination results to be forwarded to the Ministry of Manpower Planning Bureau for budget planning and preparation.

"As a result, the budget plan includes work on the construction of an application system and surveillance device worth Rp. 20 billion which is budgeted at the Directorate of Placement of Foreign Workers (PTKLN) of the Directorate General of Binapenta," he said.

After that, continued the Prosecutor, Reyna offered the work of procuring the TKI protection data and control system at the Directorate General of Binapenta Kemnaker to Karunia and approved by Karunia.

Then on January 5, 2012, I Nyoman Darmanta was appointed as PPK for the Procurement of the TKI Protection System. Reyna, he said, then directed Karunia to coordinate with I Nyoman Darmanta regarding the procurement and ordered I Nyoman Darmanta to use the procurement planning document made by the private sector, Namas in the preparation of the Self Estimated Price (HPS) and technical specifications.

In addition, Reyna asked another private party, Dewa Putu Santika, to be a liaison with Karunia regarding the auction and the implementation of the procurement work.

"From that request, Dewa asked for payment of five percent of the project value and was approved by Karunia," said the Prosecutor.

On the orders of Karunia, Bunamas met I Nyoman Darmanta and provided technical specifications, system design, and price attachment documents for each part of the work.

The prosecutor continued, without reviewing the document, I Nyoman Darmanta made the document a Work Reference Framework (KAK) and the basis for determining HPS worth Rp. 19.82 billion in the procurement of the TKI protection data monitoring and management system, without being calculated based on expertise, and not based on accountable data.

Reyna then ordered I Nyoman Darmanta to conduct an auction for the procurement of the TKI protection data monitoring and data management system without using a planning consultant, but using a planning document from PT AIM.

In the two auctions held, said the Prosecutor, PT AIM has been conditioned to be the winner of the auction, with a corrected bid value of Rp. 19.77 billion.

On December 7, 2012, Karunia received a down payment of 20 percent of the contract value that had been deducted by a tax of Rp. 3.59 billion and gave a fee of Rp. 500 million to Dewa. But in addition, Karunia has also given Dewa a total of Rp. 80 million several times.

Although the work on procuring the TKI's monitoring and data management system has not yet been completed, the Prosecutor said I Nyoman Darmanta still approved a 100 percent payment to Karunia on December 17, 2012 with a value of Rp. 14.09 billion.

After handing over the results of the work, the TKI protection data monitoring and management system built by PT AIM cannot be used, both for data migration and system integration between the Ministry of Manpower's TKI protection system and existing information systems belonging to relevant stakeholders.

"Thus the system cannot be utilized by the state in accordance with the purpose of procurement," the Prosecutor added.