Dozens Of Situbondo PKD Poisoned Rice Boxes During Technical Guidance

SITUBONDO - Dozens of sub-district and village supervisors (pkd) of the Situbondo Regency Election Supervisory Agency, East Java experienced mass poisoning after consuming boxed rice while following technical guidance as an election supervisor at the village/kelurahan level.

Head of Bawaslu Situbondo Regency Ahmad Faridl Ma'ruf explained that dozens of village and village supervisors experienced dizziness, vomiting, after they consumed boxed rice at a hotel where technical guidance was carried out on Wednesday (12/6) yesterday.

"The number of PKDs suspected of poisoning the rice box food that came to us was 78 people who complained of chills, dizziness, nausea, and snatching," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, June 13.

According to Faridl, the technical guidance of village and village supervisors which was carried out at a hotel in Situbondo on Wednesday (12/6) was attended by 136 people, they ate boxed rice from a hotel which became a technical guidance place.

Of the 136 sub-district and village supervisors, he continued, most of them consumed boxed rice, but some of them did not experience dizziness and nausea because they did not eat the boxed rice provided by the hotel.

Until now, dozens of victims suspected of being poisoned by boxed rice are still undergoing treatment at a number of health centers, including the Panji Health Center, the Klampokan Health Center and Mitra Sehat Hospital.

"Reports that reached me were pregnant and complained of stomach pain, nausea and vomiting. The current position is at the Asembagus Hospital," said Faridl.

He emphasized that Bawaslu had held the hotel accountable for this incident and emphasized to the hotel that it would cover all the medical expenses of dozens of pkd, both outpatient and inpatient.

"They (PKD) have almost evenly complained in 17 sub-districts. Everyone complains of nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea, vomiting and chills," he said.

Meanwhile, the hotel, which is the technical guidance point for village and village supervisors, has not been confirmed.