Serdang Bedagai Regent Darma Wijaya Enters Bobby Nasution's Companion Exchange In The 2024 North Sumatra Gubernatorial Election

Darwa Wijaya alias Wiwik was included in the Bobby Nasution companion market in the 2024 North Sumatra Governor and Deputy Governor Election. Darma Wijaya is the current Regent of Serdang Bedagai, North Sumatra.

This was conveyed by Bobby Nasution after receiving a letter of assignment from the National Mandate Party at the North Sumatra PAN Regional Representative Council (DPW) office on Jalan Sei Lepan, Medan Baru District, Medan City, North Sumatra, Wednesday, June 12, 2024.

Apart from Darwa Wijaya, there are a number of other names that are included in the list of candidates for deputy governor of North Sumatra. According to Bobby, Darma Wijaya's name is included in the stock exchange because his performance in building Serdang Bedagai Regency is quite good.

However, Bobby said, the names of his deputy candidates were still being discussed with a number of supporting parties.

"Of course you can see the names that have potential, not only names that are famous, but their performance can also be seen. Well, one of them may be Bang Wiwik who works well in his area, maybe that's one of them," said Bobby.

Before becoming regent of Serdang Bedagai, Darma Wijaya served as deputy regent of Serdang Bedagai for the 2016-2021 period. Darma Wijaya is the chairman of the Branch Leadership Council (DPC) of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) in Serdang Bedagai Regency, North Sumatra.

Darma Wijaya is currently also participating in a number of political parties to return to the 2024 Serdang Bedagai Regent and Deputy Regent Election.