Agung Podomoro Will Participate In Building Residential At IKN

The Capital Archipelago Authority (IKN) through the Authority (BUO) PT Bina Karya (Persero) and PT Agung Podomoro Land Tbk (APLN) have signed a Cooperation Agreement on the Residential Development Plan in the Capital City of the Archipelago (IKN) area in East Kalimantan.

This Cooperation Agreement was signed by the President Director of APLN Bacelius Ruru and the President Director of Bina Karya Boyke Prasetyanto in Jakarta.

This Cooperation Agreement is the first step in synergy in the residential development plan in the IKN area as a solution to answer residential needs in East Kalimantan.

President Director Agung Podomoro Land, Bacelius Ruru in his remarks stated that IKN would be built to achieve Indonesia's target as a developed country according to Indonesia Gold's 2045 vision.

"Building a national identity, IKN will change the orientation of development to Indonesia-centric and accelerate Indonesia's economic transformation. As a good society, of course, we feel proud to be part of Indonesia's vision of Gold 2045 through contributions to IKN development," Ruru said in a written statement, Wednesday, June 12.

Agung Podomoro's previous contribution plan at IKN was submitted through a letter of interest in investment sent to Bina Karya in March 2024.

"We thank Bina Karya as an extension of the IKN Authority which in this case took commercial action in response to our letter of interest," said Ruru.

Ruru explained, Agung Podomoro is very observant to see opportunities proven with various existing projects in Samarinda and Balikpapan that have been built since several years ago. The two cities are the main gates of IKN.

"We are optimistic that this will be a promising momentum for the creation of captive market for the development of the property sector," said Ruru.

On the same occasion, the President Director of Bina Karya, Boyke Prasetyanto, appreciated the collaboration with Agung Podomoro. He emphasized that Agung Podomoro is a large development group with a very strong reputation in building environmentally friendly and sustainable housing.

"This is very in accordance with the principles of IKN development that we have prepared. This collaboration further strengthens our confidence to build IKN as the capital city of the future," said Boyke.

According to Boyke, as the initial stage, Agung Podomoro will carry out the construction of housing intended for state civil servants (ASN). In the future, APLN is expected to help build commercial residential areas in IKN. "So development is no longer in the form of parcels, but we hope that the mixed use area can be used by the community," said Boyke.

Boyke also hopes that in the future the cooperation between Agung Podomoro and Bina Karya can run smoothly. "In its implementation, we must listen to each other and discuss each other. Hopefully, our cooperation can run well," he concluded.