The Function Of The Board Of Commissioners In Companies And Their Obligations

YOGYAKARTA The board of commissioners is a term that is quite often heard. Even so, there are many people who do not yet know what the board of commissioners is and the function of the board of commissioners in the company.

The board of commissioners is a group of people who occupy the position of commissioner. In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the commissioner is defined as a person appointed by members (shareholders and so on) to carry out a task, especially being a member of the association management, the company, and so on.

Well, the commissioner's position is filled by a group of people named the board of commissioners. The board of commissioners is led by the main commissioner.

This article will discuss what the board of commissioners and its functions are in the company. Let's see the explanation!

The board of commissioners is an organ of the company tasked with conducting general and/or special supervision in accordance with the articles of association and giving advice to the board of directors.

This is stated in Article 1 of Law Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies (UU PT).

The Board of Commissioners carries out a fiduciary task to act in the best interests of the company and avoid all forms of conflict of personal interests.

The transportation and dismissal, duties and authorities, as well as the rights and obligations of the board of commissioners as well as other matters related to the board of commissioners are regulated in the company's articles of association as well as other provisions based on best practices of business governance.

Duties and functions of the board of commissioners within the company are contained in Article 114 of Law No. 40 of 2007.

In this article, the main functions and main duties of the board of commissioners include:

Article 16 of the Limited Liability Company Law also explains the obligations of the board of commissioners in carrying out their functions and duties in the company.

The following is the obligation of the board of commissioners in the company according to the PT Law:

That's information about the function of the board of commissioners within the company. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.