In Tajikistan, Minister Basuki Invites All Delegations To Collaborate To Achieve Global Water Resilience
JAKARTA - Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono said that global water security can be achieved through joint collaboration.
"Indonesian President Jokowi said that water for mutual prosperity can only be achieved through joint collaboration from all stakeholders. This collaboration is the key to preserving water from now on for the sake of mutual prosperity in the future," Basuki said in a written statement, Wednesday, June 12.
As stated in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) point 6, access to clean water and sanitation is safe for all to be achieved by 2030.
Meanwhile, based on a UN report in 2022 on SDGs, access to drinking water services is safe at only 73 percent of the global population and for basic sanitation it only reaches 57 percent.
"Indonesia has reached 92 percent of drinking water services and 86 percent of basic sanitation services by 2023. Even so, there are still many actions that must be taken to achieve the target of accessing clean water and safe sanitation by 2030," he said.
Basuki assessed that important and crucial messages must be remembered from the UN Water Conference which states that water for the common good and access to drinking water and sanitation is a human right that must be fulfilled. "Therefore, it must always be available and easily accessible to the entire population," he said.
Then, Basuki invited all delegates who attended the Plenary Session at the 3rd High Level International Conference on the International Decade for Action "Water for Sustainable Development" 2018-2028 in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, to jointly collaborate on a transformative real action to achieve a common goal, namely global water security.
By adhering to the principles of sustainability, equality and social justice.
"Thank you for all our dedication and efforts to ensure the safety and sustainability of water. We must commit to utilizing our collective political expertise, resources and will in catalyzing significant changes," said Basuki.
"As well as advancing the global water agenda in line with the SDGs. This forum will be a good opportunity to share experiences with each other, and hopefully it can enhance collaboration and cooperation between countries and global institutions," he added.