KPK Cecar Saksi Soal Transaksi Jual Beli Gas PT PGN Yang Akhirnya Dikorupsi

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is investigating the sale and purchase of gas at PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) Persero. There were six witnesses examined regarding the practice of corruption when the procurement of goods and services was carried out.

"The witness explored his knowledge of the cooperation between PGN and PT IG as well as the meetings held," said KPK Spokesperson Team Budi Prasetyo to reporters quoted on Wednesday, June 12.

Budi detailed that the six witnesses were the Bekasi Head Area PT PGN Tbk from 2022-present, Reza Maghraby; Head of Marketing of the Commercial Directorate of PT PGN (Persero) Tbk from 2015-2018, Adi Munandir; Finance Director of PT PGN in 2017, Nusantara Suyono.

Then, the Finance Director of PT Inti Alasindo Energi (IAE) from 2006-present, Sofyan; Manager of Legal & Relations at HCML since 2014-2019, Wahyudin; and President Director of PT IAE from 2020-present, Wachid Hasim. "As well as the payment made by PT PGN in the gas buying and selling transaction to PT IAE," explained Budi.

In this case, the KPK has searched various locations. From the search, the investigative team confiscated gas buying and selling documents, contract documents and bank account mutations

The search was carried out in DKI Jakarta, South Tangerang and Bekasi City on May 28-29 and Gresik Regency, East Java, May 31. The location that was searched in Jakarta, namely the head office of PT IAE; the head office of PT Isargas; the head office of PT PGN.

Previously reported, the KPK opened a new investigation related to allegations of corruption at PT PGN. This step was taken after the KPK received the results of an audit with a specific purpose carried out by the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK).

Even so, the KPK has not disclosed the details of the case or the identities of the parties who have been named as suspects. Until now, the investigative team is still collecting evidence in that case.

Currently, two people have been prevented from traveling abroad regarding the investigation of a corruption case at PT PGN. Based on the information gathered, the two people in question are the Commercial Director of PT PGN Danny Praditya, and the President Director of PT ISARGAS Iswan Ibrahim.

This preventive status is the first submission and is carried out for six months. KPK investigators can request an extension according to the needs of the investigation.