KKP Targets Fishery Production In 2025 To Reach 24.58 Million Tons

JAKARTA - Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KP) Sakti Wahyu Trenggono said the main indicator target of KKP fishery production in the government's 2025 work plan (RKP) was 24.58 million tons.

"The exchange rate for fishermen is in the range of 104-105," Trenggono said in a Working Meeting (Raker) with Commission IV of the DPR RI in Jakarta, Tuesday, June 11. In addition, what KKP targets is fishery GDP growth in the range of 4.00-6.00 percent.

Then, Trenggono said that the KKP targets exports of fishery products worth US$6.25 billion.

Next, salt production of 2.25 million tons.

Furthermore, the conservation area reaches 30 million hectares (ha).

Not only that, Trenggono said, the target index for compliance with marine and fishery business actors by 2025 was 82 percent.

Meanwhile, the percentage of graduates from marine and fishery education and training that are absorbed by the business world and industry is 75 percent.

"Next, the percentage of marine and fishery products that meet quality and safety standards is 70 percent," he said.

Meanwhile, based on a joint letter from the Ministry of Finance Number S-346/MK.02/2024 and Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas Number B-201/D.8/PP.04.03/04/2024 on April 5, 2024 concerning the Indicative Ceiling of the Ministry of Institutions and the Special Allocation Fund for FY 2025, KKP received an indicative ceiling of IDR 6.23 trillion.

The funds came from pure rupiah amounting to Rp4.36 trillion.

In addition, loans and grants from abroad amounted to 1.39 Rp trillion.

Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) amounting to Rp351 billion, Public Service Agency (BLU) amounting to Rp92 billion and State Sharia Securities (SBSN) amounting to Rp25.91 billion.