Not Wanting To Add To The Chaos, Sarwendah Allows Betrand Peto To Ask To Go Home After The Leaning Issue Appears

The family of Sarwendah and Ruben Onsu are in the public spotlight. Especially regarding the allegations of a special relationship between Sarwendah and his eldest son, Betrand Peto.

With an interview with Maia Estianty, Sarwendah said that Betrand alias Onyo showed a change in his attitude after the slanted news.

Sarwendah felt that Betrand was embarrassed and awkward when he was nearby, even he did not dare to take his mother with him.

"So it's awkward, but actually, this news has been going on for a long time, so I've been awkward. If you walk with your children, it's natural to cooperate. If we walk, we don't dare to partner. So it's like 'not close, don't get close'," Sarwendah said as quoted by VOI from YouTube Maia AL EL DUL TV, Monday, June 10.

Seeing this as Sarwendah's mother tried to give understanding to Betrand Peto and asked her to cover her ears from negative comments to netizens because.

Because for Sarwendah, physical touch is natural for Betrand to see the background of Betrand's hometown which considers it reasonable and as a form of affection.

"It has been neutralized again, 'it's okay', meaning that the way people are different. Especially in Onyo's place, the custom is indeed a physical touch, meeting neighbors immediately hugs, everyone hugs," explained Sarwendah.

However, it turns out that the slanted issue related to him and Sarwendah still disturbs the psyche and mentality of Betrand Peto. To the extent that Betrand thought about returning to his hometown.

This was conveyed by Betrand Peto because he did not want to make the existing problems even more cloudy.

"Yesterday he was like confused, confused because he felt there was news that he was tilting with me. It made him nervous, so he felt, 'is it better for me to be there (the village), rather than in Jakarta later I will make it even more cloudy,' that'," said Sarwendah.

Previously, Sarwendah and his attorney sent an open subpoena to several netizen accounts suspected of spreading oblique news between himself and Betrand Peto.