List Of Mining Lands For Religious Ormas, NU Gercep Manages Mining Management Permits

YOGYAKARTA - The government has granted mining permits to six religious organizations in Indonesia. This policy is in line with Government Regulation (PP) Number 25 of 2024, which contains government regulations that allow the Special Mining Business Permit Area (WIUPK) for a number of religious organizations.

Arifin Tasrif, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), revealed that religious organizations that have priority mining permits represent all religions in Indonesia. The granting of mining permits aims to ensure that religious organizations can have new sources of income to fund the programs implemented.

"It is only given to 6 (religious organizations). NU, Muhammadiyah, Catholic, Protestant, Hindu, Buddhist, that's about it," said Arifin Tasrif when meeting with the media at the Oil and Gas Building on Friday (7/6).

There are as many as six mining lands prepared by the government as allocations for religious organizations. So where are the list of mining lands for religious organizations that are currently being discussed?

The government has prepared as many as six mining lands for former Coal Mining Entrepreneurs' Work (PKP2B) to religious organizations. The following is a list of mining land provided:

President Jokowi signed the rules for granting mining land permits to religious organizations as stated in Article 83A concerning the Special Mining Business Permit Area (WUIPK) on a priority basis. Religious organizations that get priority permits include six religions, namely Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Catholicism, Buddhism, and Confucianism.

"In order to improve community welfare, WIUPK can be made a priority offer to Business Entities owned by religious community organizations," the article reads.

Further provisions regarding WIUPK's offer on a priority basis for business entities belonging to religious organizations will be stipulated in a Presidential Regulation (PP). The WIUPK offer will later be applied to a limited extent, namely only for 5 years since PP 25 of 2024 takes effect. So the policy of granting mining permits for religious organizations is only valid until May 30, 2029.

Furthermore, religious mass organizations that manage the region are prohibited from cooperating with PKP2B or companies or parties that have affiliates with previous companies.

If there are religious organizations that refuse or do not take the share of mining land management, the government will auction off the share of the mining land. In this case, the provisions will be enforced as stipulated in the main regulation, namely auctioning off tabang land which is not willing to be taken by mass organizations receiving mining land management permits.

The Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board became the first religious mass organization to ask for mining permits from the government. PBNU received a share to manage the mining land of former PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC). Quoted from the website of the group of companies owned by the Bakrie Group, PT KCP is one of the companies under their auspices.

Bahlil Lahadalia, Minister of Investment/Head of BKPM, said that PBNU had already taken care of mining management permits to his party. Bahlil revealed that the Ministry of Investment/BKPM will process the issuance of the mining management permit more quickly.

This is information regarding the list of mining lands for religious organizations. Among religious organizations that received mining permits, the Indonesian Bishops' Conference (KWI) firmly refused and did not take part in the mining management provided by the government. Also read that KWI did not apply for a mining land business permit.

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