Need Money? Here's How To Take Care Of Disbursement Of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan After Stopping Work

JAKARTA - Workers who choose to complete their work period (resign), are laid off, or have entered their retirement period, are entitled to receive replacement money from the Employment Social Security Administration (BPJS) as a consequence of the contributions that have been paid so far.

In fact, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan has several services, namely the Work Accident Security (JKK), Old Age Security (JHT), Death Security (JKM) and Pension Security (JP) programs.

For workers with resign and layoff categories, the funds that can be disbursed come from the JHT program. Meanwhile, to take care of the disbursement of these funds, several requirements are needed

The terms for disbursement are as follows:

- Certificate of employment from the company of origin (paklaring)

- National Identity Card or KTP

- Family card

- Birth certificate

- 2 pieces of 3 × 4 photos

- BPJS Employment Card

Defrosting stages:

- Come to the nearest BPJS Ketenagakerjaan office

- Fill in the form according to your identity

- Submission of files as well as interviews for data verification

- The last self-take photo

- If the documents are complete and appropriate, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan officers will transfer funds to participant accounts within 7-14 working days

Keep in mind that JHT disbursement can only be done once during the membership period. This institution does not allow the withdrawal of JHT funds while the workers are still actively working. Except for meeting the following criteria.

- The 10 percent and 30 percent of JHT BPJS Ketenagakerjaan can be made only for participants who are still working with the condition that the participation age is already 10 years old, the disbursement can only be chosen one, 10 percent or 30 percent, not both. The details are 10 percent for pension preparation funds, while 30 percent is for housing costs.

- After disbursing either 10 or 30 percent, the next thing a worker can do to make a 100 percent disbursement is when he decides to leave his job.

- Disbursement of JHT funds of up to 100 percent is only intended for participants who are no longer working (leaving or being laid off), the balance can be disbursed immediately after waiting one month after the worker leaves.

Membership status after returning to work

Workers who have resigned or been laid off only need to update their data at the new company if they decide to return to work to activate their membership status.

If someone chooses to run a business independently (self-employed), then he can switch to using the BPJS Mandiri program with the imposition of mandatory dues every month.

For more complete information, please visit the official website of the Employment Social Security Administration at the address