The Ex-Investigator's Message To The KPK's New Spokesperson: Rangkul Who Joins In Efforts To Fight Corruption

JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Tessa Mahardika was asked to embrace those who participated in eradicating corruption. This step is considered to be able to help the performance of the institution.

"What must be underlined as a spokesman is not just a position, not only as a performance but as a face of the KPK to increase public trust in the KPK (but important, red) to embrace people who have been outside the KPK who have contributed to the eradication of corruption," said former KPK investigator Yudi Purnomo in his statement to reporters quoted on Monday, June 10.

"For example NGO, NGO, anti-corruption figures including their partners, media partners," he continued.

In addition, Yudi also reminded Tessa not to be a spokesman for leaders but an institution as a whole. Thus, he was asked to openly convey information that could be consumed by the public, such as the development of a case.

Yudi also said it was important for Tessa to encourage the performance of the KPK, especially in the field of prosecution. "Because if for example there is no investigation, prosecution or determination of what suspects are willing to be submitted to the public as spokesperson," he said.

The former chairman of the KPK Employee Forum believes that Tessa can work on her responsibilities as the mouthpiece of the institution. Yudi said, his former colleague must know the rhythm of the team's work in action.

"In the past, both investigators and in the task force, yes, of course, his experience as an investigator was useful to be a spokesman because he knew the working rhythm of the field of prosecution, especially investigations," he said.

As previously reported, the KPK leadership has issued a Decree to appoint Tessa Mahardika as the definitive spokesman. He replaces Ali Fikri, who will focus more on being the Head of the KPK News Section.

In carrying out his duties, Tessa will be assisted by his team, Budi Prasetyo. Meanwhile, Deputy Chairperson of the KPK Johanis Tanak said that this appointment was in accordance with the applicable mechanism based on the ASN Law.

Tanak also claims that an internal selection has been carried out within the institution since a week ago. Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the KPK, Nawawi Pomolango, said that the appointment was made to refresh and provide opportunities for other employees who have competence.