Forms Of Draft PPKLP Regional Regulations, Bogor City DPRD Absorbs Community Aspirations

BOGOR - DPRD Bogor City through existing commissions, held a Hearing Meeting (RDP) in order to absorb the public's aspirations for the formation of the Draft Regional Regulation (Raperda) on the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Education Environment (PPKLP), Wednesday, May 22, 2024.

The chairman of the Regional Regulation Formation Agency (Bapemperda) of the Bogor City DPRD, Anna Mariam Fadhilah, said that the PPKLP Raperda was a Raperda initiated by the Bogor City DPRD. This is because the Bogor City DPRD sees cases of violence in the educational environment that occur in Bogor City as increasingly widespread, so it is necessary to issue new rules to unravel and minimize the occurrence of acts of violence.

Anna revealed that based on data submitted by the Bogor City Office of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (DP3A), throughout 2022 there were 129 cases of violence against women and children, of which 40 percent were cases of violence against children.

Even the Regional Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAID) of Bogor City released data on complaints of sexual violence throughout 2023 recorded 11 cases. The condition that is of concern to the world of education is that cases of sexual violence against children occur in five cases at school.

"This is one of our concerns in the DPRD, related to the rampant cases of violence, both physically, psychologically, and sexually that occur in the educational environment. The hope is that this regional regulation can minimize, unravel the number," explained Anna.

The PPKLP Raperda which is currently being worked on by the Bogor City DPRD will be the first in Indonesia. So according to Anna, it is important to absorb the aspirations of various elements of society to ensure that the draft Raperda will be right on target and on purpose.

Anna also revealed that the formation of the PPKLP Raperda took a source from the Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Permendikbudristek) Number 46 of 2023 concerning the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Education Unit.

"So thank God we are the first in Indonesia and hopefully we can produce a regional regulation that is beneficial for residents of Bogor City," said Anna.

RDP Results With The Community

Chairman of Commission IV of the Bogor City DPRD, Akhmad Saeful Bakhri, revealed that there were a lot of input submitted by the public regarding the formation of the PPKLP Raperda. As the chairman of the commission in charge of educational issues, Saeful conveyed that one of the inputs from the community was the need for adjustments to the preparation of the Raperda to be in line with Regional Regulation Number 3 of 2017 concerning the Implementation of Child Friendly Cities.

"A lot of input has been given, both from activists, the community, parents of students and other elements. One of the things we highlight is the input that the formation of the PPKLP Raperda must be adjusted to the Regional Regulation number 3 of 2017 concerning the Implementation of Child Friendly Cities," said the man who is familiarly called ASB.

Furthermore, ASB also said that Commission IV of the Bogor City DPRD would carry out intensive supervision of cases of violence in the educational environment. Because according to ASB, violence does not only happen to students, but teachers can also become victims of cases of violence that occur in schools.

An example is the violence or discriminatory action obtained by an honorary teacher at SDN Cibeureum 1 Bogor City. An honorary teacher was unilaterally fired by the principal because he was considered the reporter for the alleged PPDB extortion at the school which caused students and parents of students to protest against the dismissal.

"Of course we will pay attention from all angles and perspectives. Violence against students and teachers must be abolished from the school environment," he concluded.