Prabowo Becomes President Of Reasons For Pekalongan Residents To Support Cagub Sudaryono

JAKARTA - A group of people from Redar Volunteers Pelakongan Raya declared themselves to support the Chairman of the Central Java Gerindra Party DPD, Sudaryono, running as a candidate for Governor of Central Java 2024.

They assessed that from a number of figures who entered the market for candidates for governor candidates, Sudaryono was the most appropriate person to occupy the seat of Central Java One.

"If Mas Dar (Sudaryono's nickname) is elected as Governor, the wheels of government from Central to Central Java will be more connected. Prabowo's president, Mas Dar's governor, so it's already done," said Head of Redar Volunteers Pekalongan Raya, Mungki Retnosari, in Pekalongan City, Central Java, Sunday, June 9.

According to Mungki, Sudaryono is a young leader from Grobogan Regency who has a vision of improving the welfare of the people of Central Java. His background, which was born to the farmer family, was considered by Mungki to be a positive point for Sudaryono to attract sympathy from the people of Central Java.

"As a farmer's son from one of the districts in Central Java, Mas Dar certainly understands what the people of Central Java really need. For example, infrastructure development, a more prosperous life, and affordable fertilizer for farmers," said Mungki.

The declaration of the Pekalongan Raya Redar Volunteer was held at a restaurant in Pekalongan City. Dozens of people from various places throughout Pekalongan Raya unite their determination to win Sudaryono in the 2024 Central Java gubernatorial election.

The declaration of Redar throughout Pekalongan Raya was also attended by Don Muzakir who is the General Chair of the DPP Tani Merdeka. Don Muzakir, who was known from the start, campaigned for Sudaryono, the Governor of Central Java in remote villages.

Don Muzakir thanked the Redar Volunteers throughout Pekalongan Raya who provided support to Sudaryono.

"On behalf of Mas Dar, we are grateful to have the support of the Redar Volunteers. They have been tested and have experience winning Prabowo-Gibran during the 2024 presidential election," said Don Muzakir.