PDIP Waits For Root Grass Aspirations Regarding The Proposal For Daily Chair Positions

JAKATA - Chairman of the PDI-P DPP, Ahmad Basarah, said the proposal regarding the position of the Daily General Chair discussed at the PDIP Congress would first be discussed by grassroots.

Initially, Basarah said that the stages of discussing the Congress, which is the PDIP's five-year agenda, were still long. Moreover, the National Working Meeting V was only held at the end of May 2024.

"When it comes to the PDI-P Congress, the stage will be after yesterday's National Working Meeting will be followed up with regional work meetings at the DPP level and the DPC level," Basarah told reporters in the Jalan Raden Saleh area, Central Jakarta, Saturday, June 8, 2024.

According to Basarah, from this work meeting in the area, the aspirations of the cadres will be summarized. Including, when there is a proposal to change the internal structure of the party.

"So, thus the stages are still quite long, yes, to prepare strategic matters for the materials and materials that will be discussed in the Congress," said the Deputy Chairperson of the MPR RI.

"Including proposals regarding structural changes in the PDI-P organization. Of course we will review it first," said Basarah.

This study will then be summarized and submitted to the Congressional Workers Agency. Furthermore, Basarah said the results would be read out in the activity.

"As a result of this study, we absorb the aspirations of the DPC, DPD from the grassroots, then we will discuss it and formulate it. Later, Congress will decide. Well, now it hasn't reached that," he said.

The proposal for the position of General Chairperson of the Daily was submitted by PDIP politician Aria Bima. He said, this position is expected to be in the DPP PDIP structure for the period 2025-2023 and filled by young cadres.

Aria made this proposal when asked about the internal regeneration of his party.

"We hope that in the future for a more technical one, of course there will be the younger types of Daily Chairs, who can navigate parties with the Gen Z era, whose voters are almost 156 million for the 2029 General Election," he told reporters at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, May 30, 2024.

"We believe that Ms. Mega will function more like the Shura Council, the High Council which has veto rights," concluded Aria.