Marion Jola Hopes Indonesian Idol Graduates Are Free To Work Without Having To Be Rivals

JAKARTA - Marion Jola, who graduated from the ninth season of Indonesian Idol in 2018, has become one of Indonesia's top female soloists today. The singer and songwriter of 23 years old has won four AMI Awards.

As a singer who started her career through Indonesian Idol, the virgin who is familiarly called Lala admitted that she was uncomfortable when the 'Idol' label was pinned as her last name.

"I used to be introduced when I was introduced, where I was singing again, the MC called 'Marion Jola Indonesian Idol', I must be in a bad mood," said Marion Jola while visiting the VOI office in Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta, Thursday, June 6.

"I want to be known as Marion Jola, not Marion Idol," he continued.

Over time, Lala didn't really care about how people would say her name. He realized that Indonesian Idol was part of his music career.

However, Lala saw an error in how some public judged Indonesian Idol graduates. He felt that some people still often compare one singer with another in an inappropriate way.

"If it's been an idol once, it looks like it will continue to be a competition, because it will be compared to the new generation of idols, last idols, the same generation of idols, and will always be compared," said Lala.

In my opinion, what must be lost is competition, fans who want to make their idols compete just because all of them are Idol children. That's what must be lost. Let it be, they have all become cool musicians, have become amazing singers.

Lala hopes that Indonesian Idol graduates can work according to their respective wishes and colors, without having to feel pressured because they are compared to other Indonesian Idol graduates.

He also hopes that the public will support singers without having to'make competition' between them.

"Love them as cool singers and musicians, don't make them compete again. After all, the competition has been completed," concluded Marion Jola.