Keep Sugar Supply, ID FOOD Increases Sugar Production In The 2024 Tebu Giling Season

JAKARTA - Sugar Factory (PG) owned by Food SOE Holding ID FOOD has started the sugar milling season in 2024 in stages. Some of these sugar factories are PG Tersana Baru, PG Sindanglaut, and PG Jati Tujuh located in West Java province and PG Redjo Agung Baru, PG Krebet Baru, and PG Candi Baru in East Java province.

ID FOOD Holding President Director Sis Apik Wijayanto said the ID FOOD sugar production target from the 2024 milling season was 296 thousand tons. The production target increased by 12 percent compared to production in 2023 which reached 262 thousand tons.

The target of 296 thousand tons comes from the total milled sugar cane of 3.92 million tons of sugar cane on an area of 55.8 thousand ha. The productivity level is targeted at 70.1 tons/ha with a target of 7.57 percent.

"Regarding the achievement of rendements, we are targeting this year to be 7.57% or an increase from last year's achievement of 7.37 percent," said Sis Apik in his official statement, Friday, June 7.

He explained that the sugar production target is expected to be achieved through optimization of production in 6 PG managed by 3 Company subsidiaries with a total mill capacity of 27,974 Tons Cane per Day (TCD).

"Currently, there are 6 PGs that are actively carrying out the giling, 3 PGs are located in West Java managed by PT PG Rajawali II, 3 PGs are located in East Java, 2 PGs are managed by PT PG Rajawali I and 1 PG is managed by PT PG Candi Baru," he explained.

For West Java, ID FOOD through PT PG Rajawali II which manages PG Tersana Baru, PG Sindanglaut, and PG Jati Tujuh targets sugar production of 84.8 thousand tons, or an increase of 48% from the previous year's achievement of 57.2 thousand tons.

"The 2024 goal of PT PG Rajawali II has begun on May 27 starting with PG Tersana Baru. This year is also the second year of PG Sindanglaut re-implementing the giling after being revived in 2023," he said.

Meanwhile, in the eastern region, PT PG Rajawali I, which manages PG Redjo Agung Baru in Madiun and PT Krebet Baru in Malang, this year targets sugar production of 181 thousand tons, or an increase from the previous year's achievement of 174 thousand tons. The company started rolling simultaneously on May 14.

Meanwhile, PT PG Candi Baru, which has started rolling on May 15, targets sugar production of 30.6 thousand tons, with a total of 411 thousand tons of cane milled from an area of 5.3 thousand ha.

Furthermore, Sis Apik said, sugar mills are a very important moment in the sugar industry sector. This activity is expected to maintain supply and contribute significantly to meeting domestic sugar needs and strengthening the sugar ecosystem from upstream to downstream.

He hopes that with a number of preparations and improvements that have been made, the performance of PG ID FOOD Group in the 2024 milling season is better than the previous year which was marked by an increase in production and rendemen.

"The increase in production targets is part of our commitment to support the acceleration of sugar self-sufficiency according to Presidential Decree No. 40 of 2023, concerning the Acceleration of National Sugar Swasembada and the Provision of Bioethenol as Nabati Fuel," he said.