World Leaders Support Crypto Assets, What About Indonesia?

JAKARTA - Several world leaders have shown strong support for digital assets, especially crypto assets. Nayib Bukele, President of El Salvador, made history by making Bitcoin a legal currency in his country in 2021. This move confirmed El Salvador's position as a pioneer in the official adoption of crypto by a country.

President Donald Trump, despite initially expressing doubts about crypto assets, at the end of his term of office, has shown a more positive attitude towards digital assets. Meanwhile, Joe Biden in his campaign process, made an approach to the crypto community, after previously in 2021 Biden said that crypto is something dangerous.

Topic Kripto juga sempat disinggung saat kampanye dilakukan oleh Gibran Rakabuming Raka, Wakil Presiden terpilih Republik Indonesia. Ia menyebutkan bahwa Indonesia harus menyiapkan anak muda yang ahli dalam bidang AI, blockchain, kripto, dan ahli robotik.

Seeing the many important figures responding positively to the crypto industry, Oscar Darmawan, CEO of INDODAX, said the support from these leaders was a positive impetus to the growth of the crypto industry globally, the importance of balanced regulation and continuous innovation to ensure the sustainability and security of the crypto ecosystem for users and investors.

"The president's role in establishing policies related to digital assets, especially cryptocurrencies, is very important. They have a major influence in determining the direction of government regulation on the crypto industry, which can affect crypto adoption nationally and internationally," Oscar said in his statement, Friday, June 7.

Argentine President Javier Milei was elected new president in Argentina for critical of the central bank, amid the Argentine crisis in which their pesos are experiencing 140 percent inflation. He sees Bitcoin as the key to restoring the Argentine economy.

On the other hand, despite India facing challenges in crypto regulation, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has shown interest in understanding the potential of blockchain and crypto technology, as well as considering a more open approach to his industry.

"Highlight on the presidents and also influential figures who are chosen because of their pro-crypto attitude is a positive signal of the growth of the crypto ecosystem in their respective countries. In Indonesia, the OJK will regulate crypto every year, which indicates that the government is serious about supporting and managing the crypto ecosystem in Indonesia," said Oscar.

The presence of a pro-crypto president, continued Oscar, not only provides an impetus to the growth of the crypto industry in their country, but also has an influence on the world that crypto has the potential to become an integral part of the global financial system in the future.

"Support from these leaders can bring positive changes in crypto adoption and regulation at the national and international levels," Oscar added.

In Indonesia itself, support in the crypto industry is also supported by BAPPEBTI which routinely monitors crypto developments in Indonesia, as well as the INDODAX platform which supports literacy and education activities in the crypto world.

INDODAX routinely provides free learning space through websites and YouTube channels, as well as INDODAX social media so that people can learn and understand crypto together easily.