Aceh Police Successfully Reveals International Network Narcotics Circulation

The Directorate of Drug Investigation (Ditresnarkoba) of the Aceh Police has succeeded in uncovering the illicit trafficking of international network methamphetamine, Thailand-Indonesia (Aceh), with 31 kilograms of evidence. At the same time, officers also managed to secure 370 kilograms of dried marijuana in two different locations.

The Aceh Police Chief, Inspector General Achmad Kartiko, said the disclosure of the methamphetamine case occurred on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 in East Peureulak, East Aceh Regency, Aceh.

"Starting from public information, the Aceh Police's operational team of Narcotics Directorate managed to stop a car suspected of transporting methamphetamine," said Kartiko Thursday, June 7.

In the car, he continued, officers found 11 packs of crystal methamphetamine in Chinese tea packages, the Guanyinwang brand weighing 31 kilograms. Two couriers, MD alias Utoh (44) and MM alias Panjang (28) were immediately arrested.

"According to the suspect's confession, the methamphetamine came from Thailand and was obtained from FS who fled during a raid on his house," he said.

In addition to methamphetamine, officers secured 370 kilograms of dried marijuana in two locations. The first disclosure occurred in Beutong Ateuh, Nagan Raya, on April 24, 2024. The opsnal team secured 263 kg of marijuana and one courier with the initials AM (35).

"AM admitted that he was paid MH alias Pawang (DPO) to deliver marijuana at a salary of Rp. 50,000 per kg," said Kartiko.

The second disclosure occurred in Lamteuba, Aceh Besar District on May 20, 2024. Officers found 107 kilograms of dried marijuana at the location, but the perpetrator managed to escape. The total evidence that was secured was 31 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine, 370 kilograms of dried marijuana, two mobile phones, and one car.

"The suspects were charged with Article 114 Paragraph (2) sub-Article 112 Paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 132 of Law no. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison, life imprisonment, or the death penalty," he said.