Sri Mulyani: 1 Day Is 24 Hours, So Even If You Are The Child Of Chairul Tanjung, It Is Impossible To Be 35 Hours

JAKARTA - Sri Mulyani Indrawati shared a story about her current profession, namely the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, as well as her role as a housewife. According to Sri Mulyani, in carrying out these two important roles, she adheres to two things, namely focus and priority.

Sri Mulyani made this statement when she was a guest in Ngobrol Sore Semaunya with Putri Tanjung, which was quoted as saying on Monday, March 15. The daughter of a conglomerate Chairul Tanjung asked Sri Mulyani how to divide tasks between work and household life.

"So, if you the President, or whoever it is, we are only given time by God 24 hours a day. So it is impossible, for example, because Putri is a child from Chairul Tanjung, the time is added to 35 hours a day.

The 24 hours a day, said the former Managing Director of the World Bank, must really be utilized. Especially for a figure like herself who chose the path of life as a career woman and also became a housewife.

"For me, when I decided to become a career woman and finally got married, my focus and priority were only for work and family, nothing else, because that was the consequence", said Sri Mulyani.

"In fact, in my opinion, it would be great if both (work and family) go hand in hand. For example, when I was teaching, I brought my children so they know what their mother was doing. My students may still remember when I was teaching. bring my child to the classroom", added Sri Mulyani.

For information, Sri Mulyani is the wife of Tonny Sumartono and has three children. They are Dewinta Illinia, Luqman Indra Pambudi, and Adwin Haryo Indrawan.

The woman who was born on August 26, 1962, has also been blessed with grandchildren. In several of her uploads on social media, Sri Mulyani has posted photos of herself with her grandchildren in various activities such as health walks or just chatting.