Askrindo And Nagari Bank Cooperation In Subrogation Collection

JAKARTA - PT Asuransi Kredit Indonesia or Askrindo signed a cooperation agreement to collect credit insurance subrogacy with PT Bank Nagari in Padang, West Sumatra, Thursday, June 6.

The cooperation agreement is the first between Askrindo and Nagari Bank aimed at accelerating the process of collecting subrogacy against bad debtors whose claims have been paid by Askrindo.

Askrindo Finance Director Liston Simanjuntak said the cooperation was a form of synergy between Askrindo and the Regional Development Bank in West Sumatra, namely Nagari Bank.

"This agreement is a mutual agreement to maximize cooperation in order to provide benefits for both parties," Liston said in a statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara.

Meanwhile, the agreement was signed by Liston Simanjuntak with the Director of Credit and Sharia of Nagari Bank Gusti Candra.

In managing and accelerating the collection of subrogation in bad debtors, Askrindo has paid claims within a period of 36 months (3 years) of cooperation agreements since the cooperation agreement letter was signed and automatically extended for the same period by both parties.

"As for, the cooperation that will be carried out is to collect together and share collection fees both litigation and non-litigation collection," said Liston.

Liston hopes that this collaboration can increase Bank Nagari's collection of debtors so that it can increase the return of subrogation to Askrindo.

Subrogation itself is a replacement for creditors' positions by third parties in the agreement, as a result of payments made by third parties on debtors' debts to creditors.

Askrindo itself is one of the state-owned enterprises (BUMN) companies that focuses on credit insurance products.