Deputy Chief Of The Kaltara Police Leads The Temporary Graduation Session Of NCO And Tamtama

TANJUNG SELOR Deputy Chief of the North Kalimantan Regional Police Brigadier General Golkar Pangarso Rahardjo Winarsadi chaired the interim graduation hearing of NCO and Tamtama to the second phase of the Health Check (Rikkes).

Also accompanying Irwasda Polda Kaltara Kombes R. Andria Martinus and Head of the HR Bureau Kombes Yuyun Arief Kus Handriatmo.

The Deputy Chief of Police said that each stage of the test was carried out in a transparent, accountable, and humane manner as well as the principle of one day service. Where the selection participants already knew the results obtained on that day.

"There is always the opportunity. Don't give up and don't feel inferior because every year the acceptance of NCO and Tamtama is opened with the same method. For those who have not been admitted to Riskkes II, then the principle of ability and improvement of deficiencies," explained the Deputy Chief of Police of Kaltara, Thursday, June 6.

The details of temporary graduation to the next stage consist of 7 special quotas, namely 6 men and 1 woman.

Meanwhile, the quota for policewomen is 16 people, PTU Polki is 436, Public Relations/TI male is 2 people, Bakomsus is Public Relations/TI Polwan is 4 people.

There are 10 male affirmative rekpros, 6 female affirmative rekpros, 2 male talent scoring, 2 female talent scorers.

There are 2 Polwan Tourism, 3 health workers, 3 legal bonuses and 40 mainstays.

Approval participants will take part in the second phase of the medical examination next week, PMK, psychological interviews, and final stage administrative examinations.

The interim graduation trial for Rikkes II was attended by all participants of the internal and external supervisory students, including the heads of the selection stage team.