PLN Prepares An Integrated Electricity Network For Digital Technology Services At IKN

JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) officially built the PLN Hub which will be the epicenter of the first and largest energy transition and digitization ecosystem in Indonesia. In supporting this, PLN through the PLN Icon Plus subholding is ready to develop a telecommunication network in the Nusantara State Capital (IKN) area.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo expressed his gratitude to the government for trusting PLN to be part of IKN development.

In addition to electricity, Darmawan explained that this PLN Hub will become a telecommunications center. PLN through the PLN Icon Plus subholding is ready to support telecommunications and digitization networks to be built at IKN.

"Besides being a new renewable energy hub, this is also a telecommunications hub. Through subholding, PLN Icon Plus jointly builds fiber optic infrastructure for telecommunications in IKN. So below there is MUT (Multi Utility Tunnel) where fiber optic infrastructure is built firmly, because this is an integral part that is inseparable from electricity infrastructure," said Darmawan, Thursday, June 6.

Darmawan added, in the construction of the PLN Hub the concept used was Green, Smart, and Beautiful by deploying the nation's best architects.

Our concept is Green, Smart, and Beautiful. We built a PLN Hub that blends with nature. We make sure that PLN Hub will become the epicenter of research and development, business collaboration, technology, and education that supports IKN and energy transition in Indonesia," added Darmawan.

In line with Darmawan, PLN Icon Plus President Director Ari Rahmat Indra Cahyadi said PLN Icon Plus is committed to supporting sustainable electricity development in IKN, one of which is by providing the most up-to-date and modern telecommunications services.

"This electricity and telecommunications system is built in an integrated manner with very high reliability using the latest and protected technology to support the realization of a green, smart, and beautiful ecosystem in IKN, thus creating a modern, efficient, and green environment," said Ari.

The digital telecommunications system and optical fiber lines built will support PLN and telecommunication users in IKN, such as government and institutions, businesses, households, and cellular telecommunications operators to ensure IKN is digitally connected. PLN Hub will function as the controlling center of the electricity and digital center which is built in an integrated manner with very high reliability.

In addition, the IKN Authority has also granted the right to cross the fiber optic network to PLN Icon Plus in the Decree of the Head of the IKN Authority No. 52 of 2003 concerning the provision of fixed broadband, mobile broadband and connectivity services to data center services at IKN. With this, PLN Icon Plus is entitled to provide and manage digital telecommunications systems and optical fiber lines to ensure the digitally connected IKN area.