Acting Regent Of West Bandung Suspect Of Corruption, West Java Provincial Government Has Not Determined A Replacement

West Java Provincial Secretary Herman Suryatman said that the matter of filling the position of West Bandung Regency Regent (KBB) following the determination of the suspect against Acting Regent of KBB Arsan Latif in the alleged corruption case at Cigasong Market, was still waiting for the direction of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

"Wait for directions from the Ministry of Home Affairs, there are stages, while Mr. Acting KBB is carrying out its duties properly," Herman said at Gedung Sate Bandung, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, June 5.

This directive, said Herman, will be obtained after the West Java Provincial Government sent a letter regarding Arsan Latif's legal status which is being prepared by the West Java Provincial Government.

"We are preparing a correspondence letter to the minister signed by the Acting Governor of West Java, of course we ask for directions from the minister regarding the follow-up," he said.

The sending of the letter, said Herman, is in accordance with existing mechanisms. What is clear is that the West Java Provincial Government is focused on keeping public services in West Bandung running.

"What is certain is that the governor entrusts public services in West Bandung, we still oversee it, so that people get the best service," he said.

Previously, the West Java High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) named the Acting Regent of West Bandung, Arsan Latif, as a suspect in the alleged corruption case in the revitalization of Sindangkasih Market, Cigasong, Majalengka, in his capacity as Regional Inspector IV Itjen of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri).

Head of West Java Attorney General's Office, Nur Sricahyawijaya, explained that the determination of the Navy as a suspect was based on an investigation warrant from the Head of the West Java High Prosecutor's Office Number: 1321/M.2/Fd.2/06/2024 dated June 5, 2024 and a letter of determination of the suspect (PIDSUS-18) Head of the West Java High Prosecutor's Office Number: TAP- 58/M.2/Fd.2/06/2024 on the same date.

According to Cahaya, in this case, the Navy actively initiated the preparation of the Majalengka Regent Regulation concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of the Election of Partners for the Utilization of Regional Property in the form of Bangun Guna Serah.

He included provisions outside the provisions of Permendagri Number 19 of 2016 concerning Guidelines for Management of Regional Property and PP Number 27 of 2014 concerning Management of State/Regional Property.

"The goal is to direct PT PGA to meet the requirements in the auction process and finally PT PGA won the investment auction Bangun Guna Serah Pasar Sindangkasih Cigasong Majalengka," said Cahya.

The Navy is suspected of conditioning the auction process, where the person concerned served as Regional Inspector IV at the Inspector General of the Ministry of Home Affairs and is currently the Acting Regent of West Bandung, receiving a sum of money through transfers to his personal and family accounts.

Not only that, continued Cahya, the suspect AL also asked to supply certain materials in the Sindangkasih Market Cigasong construction project.