Waskita Said The Bocimi Longsor Toll Road Was Due To High Rainfall, Chairman Of Commission V DPR: Weak Planning

JAKARTA - Chairman of Commission V DPR RI Lasarus commented on the reasons for the landslide on the Bogor-Ciawi-Sukabumi (Bocimi) toll road section two Parungkuda-Cigombong, on April 3, 2024.

Previously, PT Waskita Toll Road (WTR) said that the landslide that occurred on the Bogor-Ciawi-Sukabumi (Bocimi) Toll Road KM 64, Ciambar District, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, was caused by water erosion during heavy rains on Wednesday night, April 3, 2024.

"It is suspected that the landslide occurred due to splashes of water due to heavy rainfall around the location," said PT Waskita Toll Road Corporate Secretary Alex Siwu, quoted Thursday, April 4.

Lasarus assessed that this reason did not make sense because almost all toll roads in Indonesia had experienced high rainfall.

He conveyed this during the Commission V Working Meeting of the DPR RI with the Minister of PUPR, the Minister of Transportation, the Head of BMKG and the Head of BNPB to discuss the Evaluation of the Implementation of Infrastructure and Transportation at the 2024 Eid Homecoming and Return Flow at the DPR RI Building, Jakarta, Wednesday, June 5.

"Why did I ask earlier that this was solicited or unsolicited, invested or built by the private sector. This has been answered by Waskita. So, we from Commission V emphasize the pack of all toll roads built by the private sector because this is not in the APBN section which is the direct responsibility of the PUPR Ministry, I don't comment, sir, I comment on the private sector," said Lasarus.

"When this toll road will be used, the reason you said was because of the high rainfall. I told Mr. Ridwan I could accept it, sir, if the road was hit by a bomb and then a landslide. But, if it rains, landslides occur and the toll road collapses, we can't accept it, sir. I want to ask which section in Indonesia is the rainfall is not high," he continued.

He assessed that Waskita had neglected to plan a geological study during the construction of the toll road.

"There is a business formula, sir, the minimum cost of profit is as much as possible. That's a business formula, sir. With the smallest amount of expenditure, you can get the maximum profit. Then, how do we ensure that the smallest amount of expenditure to be able to get the maximum profit, there the state needs to be present. The Ministry of PUPR needs to be present," said Lasarus.

"This is a bit interesting because the rainfall is high. So when asked by reporters I said this is weak in planning. The geological study is not mature, not optimal. So, it is weak in planning," he added.

Lasarus admitted that he asked the construction experts about the matter.

As a result, the answer from the experts was the same as that revealed by him.

"I asked, lah. Call here and there, professors from everywhere we have invited here say that the geological study is weak, the planning is weak. Do not calculate when heavy rains or landslides occur, or not with construction like this," he said.

Therefore, continued Lasarus, his party asked the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) to conduct an audit first to ensure the feasibility of a road segment.

"Pak Sekjen dan teman-teman dari Kementerian PUPR, kami mohon sebagai wakil rakyat sebelum jalan ini digunakan, audit dulu pak secara teknis. Konstruksinya diaudit, layak atau tidak. Whatever alasan yang kami memberikan kalau sudah terjadi dan ada korban akibat kekurangan di sisi konstruksi, mau kami mengatakan apapun rakyat tidak percaya pak. Sudah membuat orang mati, kok," imbuhnya.