Send A Letter To Sri Mulyani, Minister Of Transportation Asks For Additional Budget Of IDR 15.78 Trillion

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) has proposed an additional budget of IDR 15.78 trillion for the 2025 fiscal year to the Ministry of Finance. The additional budget will be used to fund a number of priority programs.

Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi said the Ministry of Transportation's budget ceiling for 2025 was set at IDR 24.76 trillion. This number decreased by 35.85 percent or IDR 13.83 trillion compared to the 2024 budget allocation of IDR 38.6 trillion.

In front of Commission V of the DPR, Budi also admitted that he had sent a letter to the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani and also the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas so that the Ministry of Transportation's budget was added.

"We have sent a letter to the Minister of Finance and the Minister of VAT to be given an additional Rp15.78 trillion," he said in a working meeting with Commission V of the DPR, at the DPR Building, Jakarta, Wednesday, June 5.

According to Budi, with the additional budget proposed, the 2025 transportation budget ceiling will be the same as the 2024 allocation. This means that there is no significant budget reduction.

"It is relatively the same as (budget allocation) 2024 so that what we are doing is carried out properly," he explained.

Budi explained that one of the needs for this budget addition is for printers on land, sea, and air transportation services. Where a budget of IDR 4.72 trillion is needed.

Not only that, Budi also said that additional inj budgets are needed for maintenance and operation programs for state-owned railway infrastructure or infrastructure maintenance and operation (IMO). Where the budget requirement is IDR 4.46 trillion.

Budi also said that as much as 50 percent or Rp. 12.46 trillion of the Ministry of Transportation's indicative ceiling in 2025 came from pure rupiah. The rest are Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) of Rp. 4.36 trillion and Business Service Agency (BLU) of Rp. 1.97 trillion.

Then, loans and/or foreign grants (PHLN) of IDR 4.04 trillion, as well as State Sharia Securities (SBSN) or state sukuk of IDR 1.91 trillion.