Getting To Know The Awyu And Moi Tribes, Pioneers Of "All Eyes On Papua" Due To The Threat Of Losing Forests

YOGYAKARTA People are starting to get to know the Awyu tribe and the Moi tribe. The two tribes in Papua are considered to be the trigger for the emergence of the All Eyes on Papua campaign which is widely circulated on Instagram social media.

The All Eyes on Papua campaign itself was attended by people from various circles. In fact, a poster of All Eyes On Papua was also uploaded by a number of artists such as Irish Bella and Syahrini. Apart from that, how are the Awyu and Moi actually?

The Awyu tribe or partly written with the spelling of Auyu is one of the tribes that inhabit Papua. The tribe is in two areas, namely Mappi Regency and Boven Digoel Regency, South Papua. The tribe occupies a peaceful village with peatlands, swamps, and they choose to die from river areas such as the Edera River, Kia River, and many more.

In a book entitled Human Irian: 'Now' The future written by DR. Jan Boelaars, MSC says that the Awyu tribe is not too eager for war. They even prefer to step aside when they are disturbed by other tribes.

Similar, as reported by The Awyu Tribe: Suing the State, Defending Indigenous Forest, it was also explained that the Awyu tribe is a peace-loving society. Even Awyu's name is taken from a local expression which means peace.

Boelaars said that during the tribal war, the Awyu people chose to migrate and avoid war. It is natural that these tribes are spread not only in one area.

Suku Awyu punya bahasa mereka sendiri dengan jumlah penutur kurang lebih 18,000 orang. Suku ini juga bertangga dengan suku Asmat di sebelah utara, dan bertetangga dengan suku Citak di sebelah timur, serta dengan Yaqai di selatan.

Meanwhile, the Moi tribe is a tribe that occupies the Makbon District, Sorong Regency, Southwest Papua.

Reporting from the website, this tribe only lives in one ancient village, namely Kampung Maladofok, which is located around two kilometers west of Malaumkarta Village, Makbon. Due to natural disasters, the Moi community then fled to several areas which are currently known as Malaumkarta Raya.

The Moi tribe itself is known as a tribe that likes to go to sea. They even have a typical traditional boat. The Moi boat has a feature, namely there are buildings such as houses to protect themselves from the weather and store logistics. In addition, the Moi boat is made of wood as far as possible.

The Struggle Of The Awyu And Moi Tribes To Maintain Forests

Both the Awyu and Moi are currently in the spotlight because they are trying to maintain the forest that is a place to live because it is threatened with being evicted by oil palm plantations.

The poster entitled "All Eyes on Papua" refers to the request of the indigenous peoples of Awyu and Moi for the government to return and save Papuan forests from the opening of oil palm plantations.

Suku Awyu protested the opening of oil palm land through the efforts of the Tanah Merah Project. The project is operated by several companies, namely PT MJR, PT KCP, PT GKM, PT ESK, PT TKU, PT MSM, and PT NUM.

Similar, the Moi tribe is also struggling to defend their forests. It was PT SAS that carried out the deforestation of 18,160 hectares of customary forest to be planted with palm oil.

In addition to knowing the Awyu tribe, visit to get other interesting information.