Most Mustajab Time To Pray, How Much Time Is A Third Of Nights?

YOGYAKARTA For Muslims, the best time to pray to Allah SWT is at a time of one-third of the night. So, what time is one-third of the night?

In a hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari and Muslims, Rasulullah SAW said that Allah would grant the prayers offered by humans at the late third of the night, both related to world and afterlife affairs.

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Meaning: From Abu Hurairah RA, that the Rasulullah saw said: Our God (God) tabaraka wa ta 'ala goes down to the heaven of the world every night every night when the last third of the night while praying to me: Who prays to Me then I will ask Me. Who asks me, then I will give it. Who asks me for forgiveness, then I will forgive him.

In the book Keutamahan Dhikr and Doa Asmaul Husna by Hamid Sakti Wibowo and Mustaqim, a third of the night is divided into three periods. The first three nights start from 6 pm to 10 pm. The second period starts from 12,000 to 2 am.

Meanwhile, according to the Ministry of Religion, the last third night started at 01.30 to 04.30.

According to Syekh Ali Juma'ah, a third of the night can be estimated from Magrub to Fajr and divided into three. This means that the last third night was 3 hours and a half before the dawn call to prayer, or from 01.00 to body time.

The above has been mentioned that a third of the night is the most mustajab time to pray to Allah SWT. At this time, Muslims are also advised to pray at night or Tahajud prayers so that the prayers offered can be answered quickly.

Quoted from the official website of the Ministry of Religion, Ustaz Adi Hidayat revealed the mainstay of Tahajud prayers at a time of one-third of the night.

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