Gibran Wants Livestock Population For Student Milk Needs Plus

SOLO - Mayor of Surakarta and Vice President-elect Gibran Rakabuming Raka welcomed the trial of lunch and free milk by a number of parties.

"I think it's good enough to try different schemes," he said in Solo, Central Java, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, June 4.

Furthermore, he said, the best scheme could be executed nationally. However, he ensured that so far the program had not yet worked.

Meanwhile, regarding the need for additional livestock populations to meet the needs of milk for students, according to him, it is necessary.

However, so far his party has not coordinated with the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan). "I haven't coordinated with the Ministry of Agriculture, yes, I'll try to coordinate later," said Gibran.

However, he emphasized the need to increase the population of livestock to meet the needs of milk, eggs, and meat.

Previously, the Ministry of Agriculture and the University of Gajah Mada (UGM) built collaborations to strengthen the national manufacturing industry as an effort to increase domestic milk production.

"We are not only focused on self-sufficiency in meat, but also on animal protein self-sufficiency, including dairy livestock that produce milk," said Director General of Livestock and Animal Health of the Ministry of Agriculture Nasrullah.

He emphasized the importance of increasing milk consumption in Indonesia as a strategic step to achieve Indonesia Gold 2045.

"Consuming milk regularly can increase the health and productivity of the Indonesian people, which in turn supports the achievement of the vision of Indonesia Gold 2045," said Nasrullah.