Confused By PDIP Secretary General Hasto, His Statement Is Actually Associated With Incitement

JAKARTA - Secretary General of the PDI-P DPP (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto was surprised by the parties who reported it to Polda Metro Jaya. This is because his statement which is used as the subject of the case is considered a criminal act of sedition.

"My statements were then made by someone who submitted a filing to law enforcement officials because it was suspected that my statement was a form of incitement that caused a criminal act and also a false news report that was suspected and then the fake news created riots," Hasto told reporters, Tuesday, June 4.

In fact, according to him, one of the statements about alleged fraud in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres) contestation is an effort to build a legal culture in Indonesia.

Moreover, when conveying this, Hasto was the Secretary General of political parties who were recognized or legal in the law.

"Even though as a secretary general of a political party, namely the PDI-P, we always voice law enforcement, building a legal culture, especially as a country with the ideology of Pancasila. Where the philosophy of humanity, about social justice, underlies all efforts to build supermasi law," he said.

Regarding his statement regarding the alleged fraud in the 2024 presidential election, Hasto conveyed this referring to the statements of experts who had testified at the Constitutional Court (MK).

The verdict also resulted in a dissenting opinion of several constitutional judges

"This has also been proven by experts, including the dissenting opinion of the three judges of the Constitutional Court. All of my statements are a basis in the legal process carried out at the Constitutional Court," said Hasto.

Today's Hasto was summoned for questioning based on a call to prayer letter registered with number B/13674/V/RES.1.24./2024/Ditreskrimum, dated May 29, 2024.

In the letter, the basis for summoning Hasto was two police reports (LP) number LP/B/1735/III/2024/SPKT/POLDA METRO JAYA dated March 26, 2024 and Police Report Number LP/B/1812/III/2024/SPKT/POLDA METRO JAYA dated March 31, 2024.

Hasto was policed on suspicion of sedition and/or dissemination of electronic information and/or electronic documents containing false news that caused riots in the community as referred to in Article 160 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 28 paragraph (3) in conjunction with Article 45A paragraph (3) of Law Number 1 of 2024 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning the Law on Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE).