BPK 2021 Report: 12,960 Participants Have Not Received Fund Returns Worth IDR 576.45 Billion

JAKARTA - The Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) noted that 12,960 participants of the Public Housing Savings (Tapera) program have not received a total refund of IDR 576.45 billion in 2021.

This was revealed in the BPK audit listed in the summary of the results of the second semester of 2021 examination.

In addition, BPK also noted that as many as 40,266 double pension participants had not been able to disburse Tapera funds amounting to Rp130.25 billion.

"This has resulted in retired civil servants / heirs unable to take advantage of the return of their rights," BPK wrote in its report, quoted on Tuesday, June 4.

BPK also found other problems, where the People's Housing Savings Management Agency (BP Tapera) at that time had not fully operated, during the deployment or registration and collection of funds.

Not only that, BPK also found fertilization activities or collective investment contracts, as well as utilization activities with sharia principles.

"This has resulted in BP Tapera potentially unable to achieve its targets and strategic goals, not being able to collect deposits and add new participants, and participants have not been able to optimally utilize housing financing facilities," the findings read.

BPK also found errors in BP Tapera's active participant data at that time which reached 247,246 people. BPK also noted that there were participants with an anomalous rank of 176,743 people and data incompleteness of the Population Identification Number (NIK) as many as 70,513 people.

"This has resulted in the balance of Tapera Funds that cannot be managed in the KPDT and optimally utilized IDR 754.59 billion, and participants have not been able to take advantage of their rights in the form of utilization or refunds," said BPK's findings.

Therefore, BPK also recommends the BP Tapera commissioner to cooperate in updating active and/or inactive civil servant data with related agencies.

"Returning the savings of deceased and retired participants, as well as correcting the balance of double participants and then distributing the value of the correction results to other participants according to the provisions," wrote BPK.

BPK also recommends that BP Tapera commissioners coordinate with the Ministry of Finance in order to accelerate the stipulation of the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) as a basis for calculations to determine the multiplication of participant deposits that receive income from the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) and the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD), establish a Tapera Fund Management Contract (KPDT) with sharia principles, and carry out BP Tapera operations in full in accordance with the provisions.