New Axis Form, PKS Ready To Promote Bogor Cabup 2024

BOGOR - Head of the PKS Task Force for Winning the Gubernatorial Election and Pilbup of Bogor Regency Wasto said that PKS, who won third in the 2024 Legislative Election in Bogor Regency, is appropriate and ready to carry the Bogor Regent Candidate in the 2024 September Pilkada.

"Of course PKS has one candidate who will be promoted as the Regional Head of Bogor Regency," said Wasto, Tuesday, June 4.

According to him, it is appropriate for the Bogor Regency PKS DPD to carry the Bogor Regent candidate, with the acquisition of 7 seats, PKS only needs 4 more seats to be able to propose a candidate for Bogor Regent.

In order for the candidates he carries forward in the Bogor Regent election contestants later, the Secretary of the Bogor Regency PKS DPD admitted that he had communicated with other parties in order to join this new Axis coalition.

"Everything is open and can nominate the best cadres in the party, because the leaders in Bogor Regency must have the best criteria," said Wasto.

For the best cadres in the PKS DPD, Wasto added that there are several names that are ready to be carried. However, it is possible if there are Candidates or other Figures outside the party.

Meanwhile, until now, Ade Jaro has been confirmed to run in the regional elections through the Golkar Party and for Gerinda there are two names that have been widely reported, including Iwan Setiawan and Rudy Susmanto. While the new axis, there are the names of Dedi Aroza, Agus Salim, Dadeng Wahyudi.