Pressing DHF, East Jakarta City Government Will Fine Residents Who Allow Their Homes To Be Nests For Aedes Aegypti Mosquitoes

JAKARTA - The East Jakarta City Satpol PP will impose fines on residents who allow their homes to become mosquito nests aedes aegypti. This is done as an effort to suppress the spread of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) cases.

Kasatpol PP East Jakarta City, Budhy Novian said, the application of this fine refers to Articles 21 and 22 Paragraph 1 of Regional Regulation Number 6 of 2007 concerning Control of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Diseases.

However, the fine was not immediately imposed. First, when a larvae are found during the activity of weighing mosquito nests (PSN), residents in the house will be given the first warning letter (SP1).

"The warning letter has been implemented on Friday, May 31 yesterday. It was recorded that 24 residents were given SP1 because their houses were found mosquito larvae during PSN. Most of them are in Ciracas, Jatinegara and Matraman sub-districts," Budhy said in his statement, Tuesday, June 4.

Then, if mosquito larvae are found during the next PSN, the person concerned will be subject to SP2. Then, the fine is charged while still allowing mosquito larvae after the second warning.

"If up to three times you get a warning letter, it will be submitted for a trial for minor crimes (tipiring)," said Budhy.

For information, the Health Office recorded a cumulative case of dengue fever in East Jakarta from January to May 29, there were 2,229 cases spread across 10 sub-districts.

The details are at Pasar Rebo 336 cases, Cakung 300 cases, Kramat Jati 285 cases, Ciracas 275 cases, Matraman 239 cases.

Then, Duren Sawit District 210 cases, Cipayung 200 cases, Pulogadung 159 cases, Jatinegara 141 cases and Makasar District 84 cases.

Based on the results of vector surveillance activities reported through e-cylantors, 38,665 houses and buildings have been checked for mosquito larvae during PSN. Of these, 93.08 percent of houses were negative for mosquito larvae.