Construction Of Jalan Rampung, Minister Of Transportation: IKN Autonomous Trains Can Be Tested In August 2024

Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi said that the trial of the autonomous train or Autonomous Rail Transit (ART) could be carried out in August 2024, as the construction of the West Side National Asymptomatic Road was completed.

This was conveyed by Budi after reviewing the location for the construction of an autonomous train or ART in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN), East Kalimantan. Monday, June 3.

Budi also appreciated the Ministry of PUPR for completing the construction of the West Side National Asymptomatic Road in the Core Area of the IKN Government Center, one of which is for the ART route.

"God willing, with the existing route, ART can be tested in August," he said in an official statement, Monday, June 3.

Furthermore, Budi explained, Jalan Sumbu Kebangsaan The West Side has six lanes with one lane specifically for buses and households. He said the road that had been completed had a very smooth texture.

"Aspal on the Jalan Rabu Kebangsaan Sisi Barat is very subtle and has extraordinary flexibility. This will certainly make the drivers and passengers who pass by comfortable," he said.

Budi said, IKN is designed as an area that applies the concept of a smart city based on green and sustainable principles. He said the presence of ART in IKN is actually in accordance with this principle because it is able to increase efficiency and security in mobility, and it is no less important to be environmentally friendly.

ART is operated using batteries substitutional with road and magnetic markings. As a result, this vehicle is effective in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and using energy," he said.

With this concept, Budi also hopes that IKN can become a pioneer in a smart transportation-based city in the country.

"Hopefully IKN can inspire other cities in Indonesia in terms of developing smart transportation," he said.