Tuai Polemic, Celios Suspicious Tapera Contributions Will Be Used To Build IKN To Eat Free

JAKARTA - The Center of Economic and Law Studies (Celios) assesses that the government can indirectly use the mandatory contributions for Public Housing Savings (Tapera) to build IKN and finance free lunch.

This economic study institute denies the government's claim that Tapera contributions are not related to the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN). This is because the money from the private workers will be invested, one of which is by buying state securities (SBN).

Celios views the government's efforts to encourage various state-owned investment management institutions to invest more in SBN, including Tapera. There is potential for legit funds from the collection of people's money which reaches Rp135 trillion.

"Funds for SBN can reach IDR 61 trillion. With a target of IDR 160 trillion for the issuance of SBN in 2024, 37 percent can be met only from BP Tapera," wrote Policy Brief Celios entitled Tapera for Who? Computing Profits for Loss of Tapera Policy received by VOI, on Monday, June 3.

"The use will not be limited to housing, but can also be used for government programs, starting from IKN development to free lunch in the future," he continued.

According to Celios, it is natural for Indonesians to question where their money will be used by the state. Moreover, there are many fantastic corruption cases from the management of public funds.

According to Celios, many corruption cases are in the public spotlight. There are even cases that have not been completely resolved.

Like the case of PT Asuransi Jiwasraya, PT Asuransi Sosial Angkatan Bersenjata Republik Indonesia (Asabri) to PT Dana Tabungan dan Asuransi Pegawai Negeri (Taspen). A pile of corruption cases in the management of public funds are claimed to have cost the state more than Rp30 trillion.

Meanwhile, Executive Director of Celios Bhima Yudhistira said, there are other dangerous effects that await the impact of forced Tapera contributions. He was worried that there would be a threat of reduced labor up to 466,083 people.

"This shows that Tapera's mandatory contribution policy has a negative impact on employment, due to reduced consumption and investment by the company," he said.

"Although there is a slight increase in net state revenue of IDR 20 billion, this amount is very small compared to the economic losses that occurred in other sectors," he added.

In line with Bhima, the Director of Economics Celios Nailul Huda also denied that Tapera is the right solution to lowering the backlog. Even if it is pulled further into the Taperum model, the problem of this housing backlog is still unresolved.

"The reason the backlog had experienced a decline was more due to changes in the style of young people who chose not to live in permanent residences or moved from one rented house to another," he said.

Furthermore, Celios is of the view that this policy may continue, as long as it is voluntary. The obligation to become a Tapera participant is considered more appropriate only for the state civil apparatus (ASN) and the TNI/Polri.

In addition, Celios urged the government to re-register land controlled by large corporations. The hope is that some of the land can be an alternative to the people's housing program.

The regulation regarding Tapera was signed by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on Monday, May 20, 2024, as stated in Government Regulation (PP) Number 21 of 2024 for amendments from PP 25/2020.

Classification of groups that are required to take part in this program, namely ASN, TNI, Polri, BUMN/BUMD workers and private workers.

The regulation states that employers are obliged to pay participant deposits whose obligations are and collect participants' savings from workers.

It is known, the amount of the contribution is set at 3 percent of the salary or wages for Workers Participants and income for Independent Workers Participants. For Workers Participants, it is borne together between the company and employees by 0.5 percent and 2.5 percent, respectively, while Independent Worker Participants bear overall savings.

Participants who are included in the category of Low-Income Communities (MBR) can get benefits in the form of Home Ownership Loans (KPR), Home Building Credit (KBR) and Home Renovation Loans (KRR) with long tenors of up to 30 years and fixed interest rates below market interest rates.

Funds raised from participants will be managed by BP Tapera as savings to be returned to the participants.