Entangled In Debt, Construction Workers Change Profession To Become Jambret, Target Women And Act At Night

JAKARTA - The police have succeeded in arresting a thief who always targets female victims in the evening or at night on the highway of Tulungagung Regency, East Java.

Kapolsek Ngunut, AKP Puji Widodo revealed, the perpetrator named Wawan was arrested at his residence in Bungur Village, Karangrejo District.

"We were able to identify the characteristics of the perpetrators after seeing the CCTV (closed circuit television) footage around the location of the last mugging where the victim then reported to the Ngunut Police and mentioned the general characteristics of the mugging," said Head of Police Puji Widodo, quoted by Antara, Saturday, March 13.

Evidence in the form of a cangklong bag belonging to the victim was found. But the cellphone has been sold by Wawan. "Items in the form of the cellphone in the bag are sold to pay debts and eat," he said.

Wawan also claimed to have snatched in 5 locations, with details of 4 locations in the legal area of Tulungagung Regency, and 1 in Trenggalek. In carrying out the action, Wawan deliberately chose night.

He targeted female victims who were walking or driving, while carrying / holding bags.

Before moving, the perpetrator first carried out surveillance at the target location. "The arrest of this perpetrator started from the mugging incident that took place on Jalan Raya Ngantru. The victim who reported gave the suspect's characteristics along with the color of the motorbike he rode," he also said.

The police then conducted an examination of a number of CCTV footage around the location.

"The victim said that his characteristics were riding a white motorbike. After checking the CCTV cameras, it turned out that the suspect was caught on the camera," he said.

After being arrested and interrogated by the police, Wawan, who has a background as a construction worker, admitted that he was determined to carry out the mugging action because he was in debt. He used all the results of the mugging to pay off debts and buy daily necessities